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Sunday, March 20, 2011


So as a break from homework, I went out for some bubble tea.

My plan was to hop on the bus, buy a drink, and bus back; this should have taken 30 minutes at most, depending on the bus schedule.

I walk towards the bus stop, and see a bus go past me. Obviously I ran; opportunity cost would be lost otherwise. I made it, barely, and after about 10 minutes, arrived at the nearest bubble tea place.

It wasn't very busy, at least from what I could tell, so I take a while deciding what to get, and finally order a Green Tea one.

So I waited.

And waited.

And got my hour later.

Normally I don't mind waiting, but an hour for a bubble tea is ludicrous! Granted it got a lot busier after I ordered, but emphasis on the after part. I could have just bussed a little further to a Starbucks and get a Green Tea Frap; same flavor while saving 50 minutes.

So here's a list of 50 things I could have done in that hour, instead of waiting for bubble tea, in no particular order of preference of course:
  1. Write a decent blog post (I don't consider lists decent)
  2. Finish Math homework
  3. Finish Physics homework
  4. Finish preparing for Chemistry lab (AKA homework)
  5. Work on my final project for English
  6. Read the readings for Biology lecture and lab (Not like I do that anyways, but still)
  7. Start Statistics homework
  8. Sleep
  9. Beat one of Touhou 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, or 12 as well as the Extra stage
  10. Mahjong for an hour
  11. Practice piano
  12. Play some children's card games (Yu-Gi-Oh)
  13. Watch 3 episodes of an Anime
  14. Play some RuneScape
  15. Eat a meal
  16. Plan what courses to take next semester (If I do decide to take any)
  17. Browse forums mindlessly
  18. Take a shower or bath
  19. Go to the next closest bubble tea place, buy a drink, and go back home (Which would still be faster than waiting for an hour)
  20. Write another chapter of Fanfiction
  21. Clean my room (Yeah right)
  22. Listen to え?あぁ、そう。18 times
  23. Finish watching Weiss Schwarz R (Each episode is only 2:30, and 16 episodes)
  24. Buy groceries at a nearby convenience store
  25. Watch TV (Rarely do that these days)
  26. Play on the DS/Wii (Rarely do that too)
  27. Create a random flow-chart
  28. Read a book for leisure (Not much of a reader)
  29. Read a web comic I'm not currently following
  30. Read manga (I'm more of an Anime watcher than a manga reader though)
  31. Watch random YouTube
  32. /b/
  33. Exercise? (Run around in that time, I dunno)
  34. Browse Danbooru
  35. Hunt for awesome avatars
  36. Memorize the lyrics to a song
  37. Learn a new hobby
  38. Learn how to play Weiss Schwarz
  39. Sew up imperfections in my Cosplay
  40. Browse Craigslist
  41. Window shopping the nearest mall (Probably Oakridge)
  42. Rethink what I do with my spare time
  43. Get a haircut (Again, not happening anytime soon)
  44. Origami
  45. Start on a Kirie
  46. Learn Java (or some other coding language)
  47. Read the news (Being this low on the list shows how little I think about current events)
  48. Refresh ZUN's blog in a futile attempt to get news about Touhou 13
  49. Fun only a man can have (The connotations indeed)
  50. Create this awful list.

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