The Herblore Habitat is home to 10 species of "Jadinkos" (Some reptile/dinosaur thing; for theory purposes just think about Darwin's finches) as well as 3 species of God "Jadinkos", but we will only consider the 10 species. The objective for the player is to hunt and capture at least one of each species. In order for the player to do this, they must alter the environment in order to attract a certain Jadinko species.
The player can alter the environment in 5 ways:
- Alter flower color (red, green, or blue)
- Apply Hunter Potion on flowers (essentially modifying the flowers, but this warrants its own section)
- Alter "habitat" (see below for list of habitats)
- Alter bush type (Kalferberry or Lergberry)
- Alter tree type (apple, orange, or banana)
The different habitats are listed below:
- Boneyard
- Abandoned House
- Thermal Vent
- Tall Grass
- Pond
- Standing Stones
- Dark Pit
The first Jadinko is the "common" kind; we could consider this the ancestor of which the other species have diverged from (Granted my terminology is rusty, since ancestors have to be extinct). These are the easiest to attract, requiring only flowers to be planted; any kind of flower at that.
The other 9 species have diverged from the common kind, each occupying their own niche. There is variation in the color of flower they prefer, what habitat they inhabit, as well as their food source (berries and fruit). Some species are even intelligent enough not to appear unless a special potion is applied to the flowers (Perhaps this potion has strong aphrodisiac effects to attract them). Below is a table of how to attract each kind.
Now I list the variation between the species
- 4/10 species require Hunter Potion
- 2/10 species are uninterested in flowers
- 3/10 species prefer red flowers
- 2/10 species prefer green flowers
- 2/10 species prefer blue flowers
- 2/10 species prefer the "pond" habitat
- 2/10 species prefer the "boneyard" habitat
- All other species occupy a different habitat
- 3/10 species are uninterested in berries
- 3/10 species prefer Kalferberries
- 4/10 species prefer Lergberries
- 7/10 species are uninterested in fruit
- The remaining 3 species each have a different fruit preference
If you look at the above numbers, you can conclude that there is absolutely no conflict in regards to niche.(although since the common Jadinko has no preference to anything may raise an eyebrow).
From the above table, the Diseased and Camouflaged Jadinko are uninterested in flowers. However, the Camouflaged are interested in Lergberries, while the Diseased feed on bananas, which the other species don't seem to care for. Perhaps this species has some adaptation which allows them access to bananas on the tall trees.
Let's look at the red flower competitors next: Shadow, Aquatic, and Draconic. Shadow's only preference are red flowers; this could mean that their primary source of food (as well as the other species') are the flowers. The Diseased variant mentioned previously probably lives in areas lacking any flowers or berry bushes, thus forcing them to feed on bananas. If the red flowers are their primary source of food, then there is some competition in that regard. However, notice that Aquatic prefers Kalferberries, while Draconic prefer Lergberries. The berries could be their secondary source of food. Finally, Aquatic also prefers Apples; fruit would be their third source of food.
Similar logic can be applied to the green flower competitors: Cannibal and Carrion. This is where the "habitat" comes into play. Since they both prefer green flowers, and the same berry, there would be direct competition if they lived in the same area. But the Cannibal's live in Tall Grass, while the Carrion live in the Boneyard. The Diseased variant also live in the Boneyard, but no conflict arises, since they feed on bananas.
Finally, the blue flower competitors: Igneous and Amphibious. They also share the same berry preference: Lergberry. However, Igneous have access to Oranges; once more due to this, there is no direct competition.
Let's summarize each species' food preferences:
Common: Blue Flowers*
Shadow: Red Flowers
Igneous: Oranges
Cannibal: Green Flowers / Kalferberries
Aquatic: Apples
Amphibious: Blue Flowers
Carrion: Green Flowers / Kalferberries
Diseased: Bananas
Camouflaged: Lergberries
Draconic: Red Flowers
It seems that if Cannibal / Carrion and Shadow / Draconic would compete against each other if they didn't live in different habitats. But they do; you can consider each "habitat" analogous to the different islands Darwin's finches inhabited.
*In regards to common Jadinkos, blue flowers would be the best source of food, as there is the least amount of competition for this kind.
Finally, I mentioned 3 God "Jadinkos". They change their preferences every week, so what the player used to attract them last week won't be the same the following one. To be able to change their niche and adapt to it so rapidly is truly deserving of giving them a "God" title.
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