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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Interestingly enough, there is no Japanese equivalent to procrastination (優柔不断 comes close, which means indecisiveness).

This post is just an update as to what's to come. Next month will be my personal hell. I can only prepare so much ahead of time (This preparation in the form of doing homework a week before it's due). Doing 6 courses means 4 final exams, as well as a final English research paper (1500 words). In addition to a final chemistry lab midterm tomorrow, and a Biology lab final exam the following week.

But I did this to push myself to the limit, and see if I have what it takes for my ultimate goal. If I can't handle something as minute as this, then it's time to reconsider my life goal.

So in short, the in-depth posts that usually happen will be on hiatus next month. That doesn't mean I won't post everyday as my New Year's Resolution is intending (Which at this point, has probably lasted longer than most peoples' resolutions). It will be "clever" to say the least.

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