I played with Chaos Fitzgerald, same deck list as from the Pot of Duality tournament a week ago, but take out Lyla for Doppelwarrior (Since the Lyla was borrowed).
Round 1: Chaos Fitzgerald vs. Dark Genex (2-0)
To be honest, I didn't know what I was playing. I quickly won game 1, even though they dropped Gorz on me. I was surprised that I won game 2, since they managed to get Dark Armed Dragon out. However, Junk Synchron + Doppelwarrior into a 3100 Attack Junk Warrior saved the day for me.
Round 2: Chaos Fitzgerald vs. XX-Sabers (0-2)
I'm not surprised with the result, as my opponent is a Nationals player. A misplay cost me game 1. I had Frozen Fitzgerald on the field as well as Chaos Sorcerer. I summoned Glow-up Bulb and synchro summoned Arcanite Magicia since I wanted to get rid of their set monster and 1 set back row. The set back row was Torrential Tribute, and after that point I couldn't recover.
Game 2 was also not in my favor. Although I had Thunder King Rai-Oh on the field, they managed to get rid of it with Book of Moon, and then proceeded to control the duel with XX-Saber Gottoms.
Although the tournament wasn't in my favor, I did manage to get this little gem from the Turbo Pack:

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